
Turkey will be represented at the peace summit by the minister of Foreign Affairs

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Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan will represent Turkey at the peace summit in Switzerland after attending a meeting of BRICS foreign ministers in russia.

Turkey will be represented at the Peace Summit to be held in Switzerland by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan. About it UNN writes with reference to the TV channel TRT.


It is noted that on Monday Fidan will pay a visit to russia, where he will take part in a meeting of the BRICS+ foreign ministers in nizhny novgorod. Then he will accompany President Recep Erdogan to the G7 summit in Italy, and from there he will fly to Switzerland for the peace summit, which will be held on June 15-16 in the city of buergenstock.


President Volodymyr Zelensky hopes that after the peace summit , a result similar to the "grain initiative" can open the way for the implementation of the points of the peace formula. But, provided that the world majority agrees to joint agreements and steps.

Макрон візьме участь у Саміті миру та анонсував візит до України 07.06.24, 21:27


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