
There may be less than 50% of employees: MP on the bill on “economic booking”

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As of now, the draft law, which includes the concept of "economic booking," provides for the possibility for businesses to book 50% of employees who are liable for military service, but this figure is likely to change downward. This was reported to UNN by Dmytro Natalukha, chairman of the Committee on Economic Development, who is one of the authors of the bill.

When asked what percentage of employees liable for military service  the business will be able to book, Natalukha replied: "As of now, the text of the draft law provides for 50%, but I think this figure will change downward, because we are likely to have to hold appropriate consultations with the military, colleagues from the National Security and Defense Committee. I think it may be that we will find some consensus on a lower figure," Natalukha said.

He also commented on the mechanics of paying the increased military fee.

"The mechanics will be such that after receiving the confirmation, i.e. the actual QR code for the employee whose booking is intended, a monthly payment of UAH 20 thousand of the increased military fee is paid," Natalukha said.

When the draft law can be considered in the first reading

 In addition, Natalukha said that the Verkhovna Rada could tentatively consider the draft law in the first reading  not earlier than in a month.

Now we will have two weeks to submit alternative bills, we will submit two more alternative bills ourselves, and perhaps someone else will submit alternative bills. That is, we have at least two weeks of procedures for alternative bills. Then we need to hold the Committee, which will not be easy either. Realistically, not earlier than in a month

- Natalukha said.


The Verkhovna Rada registered the draft Law No. 11331 "On Industrial Policy and Predictability of the Real Sector of the Economy," which introduced the concept of "economic reservation." 

The mechanics of paying the increased military fee are outlined in the related draft law No. 11332 "On the specifics of paying the military fee for reservations for persons liable for military service.

In April, Dmytro Natalukha reported that the Verkhovna Rada was developing a reservation model, according to which businesses would be able to book up to 50% of their employees who are liable for military service.

Anna Murashko



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