
"The whole world is going to be watching": British Foreign Secretary calls on the US Congress to vote for the aid package for Ukraine

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British Foreign Secretary David Cameron urged U.S. lawmakers to vote for a $95 billion security assistance package for Ukraine and other partners.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron on Wednesday called on U.S. lawmakers to vote for a $95 billion security assistance package for Ukraine and other allies, UNN reports citing The Guardian.

Britain has announced its support package for the next year. The European Union has announced their package for the next year. And I urge members of Congress in the United States who will be looking at this today to vote for the package

- Cameron told reporters during his visit to Bulgaria.

"This is absolutely crucial for American security. The whole world is going to be watching what happens in Congress," the British Foreign Secretary said.

Спікер Джонсон хоче зустрітися з Байденом до будь-яких дій щодо пакету допомоги Україні та Ізраїлю - ЗМІ14.02.24, 10:30


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