
The cost of inaction is growing every day: Biden urges House not to wait to approve aid to Ukraine

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U.S. President Joe Biden urged the House of Representatives to approve the $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan that was approved by the Senate as soon as possible.

U.S. President Joe Biden has called on the House of Representatives to begin approving financial assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan as soon as possible, UNN reports, citing a statement released by the White House.

"...I applaud the bipartisan coalition of senators who came together to advance this agreement and urge the House of Representatives to act immediately. We cannot afford to wait any longer. The cost of inaction is growing every day, especially in Ukraine. We're already seeing reports of Ukrainian troops running out of ammunition on the front lines as Russian forces continue to attack and Putin continues to dream of conquering the Ukrainian people," Biden emphasized.

Додає впевненості та мотивації: Зеленський відреагував на рішення Сенату підтримати пакет допомоги для України13.02.24, 15:13

According to the US President, "if we do not stand up to tyrants who seek to conquer or divide the territories of our neighbors, the consequences for America's national security will be significant.

"Our allies and adversaries will take note. It's time for the House of Representatives to take action and send this bipartisan legislation to my desk immediately so I can sign it into law," Biden emphasized.


He also reminded that a bipartisan supplemental agreement is crucial to advancing America's national security interests.

"This will allow the United States to continue our vital work with our allies and partners around the world to defend Ukraine's freedom and support its ability to defend itself against Russian aggression. This will ensure that Israel has everything it needs to protect its people from Hamas terrorists. Importantly, this agreement will provide vital humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, the vast majority of whom have nothing to do with Hamas," he concluded.


The US Senate approves a $95.3 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, including more than $60 billion for Ukraine, after months of negotiations.


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