
Syrsky is trusted by 40% of Ukrainians, although one third did not know anything about him before his appointment as the Chief of the Army - KIIS

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Out of the 13 most famous public figures in Ukraine, Ukrainians trust former Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhnyi the most, while his successor, Oleksandr Syrsky, is also trusted by the majority of Ukrainians. This is stated in a new survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, UNN reports.


In response to the question "To what extent do you trust or distrust the following Ukrainian public figures? If you don't know him or her, please say so", Ukrainians answered that they trust Valeriy Zaluzhnyi the most. 94% of Ukrainians said they trusted the former chief of staff, while 5% said they did not trust him.

The majority of Ukrainians also trust his successor, Oleksandr Syrskyi. The new commander-in-chief is trusted by 40% of Ukrainians, distrusted by 21%, and 4% have an undecided attitude. At the same time, 35% did not know him in February (and 48% did not know him in December).

"Рамштайн-19": Умєров окреслив пріоритети, Сирський вперше приєднався як Головнокомандувач ЗСУ14.02.24, 16:53

Also, the majority of Ukrainians trust Kyrylo Budanov (66%), Volodymyr Zelenskyy (64%), and Serhiy Prytula (61%) to a similar degree.

The survey was conducted in early February, during the period of Zaluzhny's resignation, which affected the indicators, in particular, the increase in distrust of the president.

There is a combined effect of Zaluzhny's resignation, which came at a rather difficult time: a difficult situation at the front, uncertainty among Ukraine's key allies (especially the United States), and ongoing corruption scandals. Against the backdrop of these events, Zelensky suffered the greatest loss of trust, but most Ukrainians continue to trust him. It is important that the new commander-in-chief enjoys the trust of the population

- said Anton Grushetsky, Deputy Executive Director of KIIS.

Former Speaker Dmytro Razumkov has a near-zero balance of trust and distrust, meaning that 35% trust him and about the same number (33%) distrust him, and 5% have an undecided attitude. At the same time, 27% do not know him.

КМІС: 69% респондентів вважають, що українці йдуть шляхом до згуртованої політичної нації22.01.24, 11:29

Another seven figures have a negative balance of trust and distrust, meaning that they are distrusted more than trusted (and in all cases, at least half of Ukrainians do not trust them).

For example, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko is trusted by 45%, and distrusted by 51%. The head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak, is trusted by 27%, and distrusted by 61%. Former President Petro Poroshenko is trusted by 31%, distrusted by 68%.

Four other figures have the lowest trust scores. Thus, MP Mariana Bezuhlya is trusted by 7%, distrusted by 65%, Yuriy Boyko is trusted by 10%, distrusted by 73%, Yulia Tymoshenko is trusted by 17%, distrusted by 82%. Public figure Oleksiy Arestovych is currently trusted by 11%, distrusted by 83%.

Подоляк про Арестовича: я спілкувався з ним, поки у нього не почалися ці відхилення20.12.23, 13:49


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