
Sumy region: four communities under the sights of the Russians

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Russian troops shelled Sumy region, firing 52 shells at four border settlements.

The Russian army shelled four communities in Sumy region, located in the border area with the aggressor country. In total, the Russians launched 52 shells at the region. This was reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

During the day, Russians fired 9 times at the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. 52 explosions were recorded. Bilopilska, Velykopysarivska, Shalyhinska and Sveska communities were shelled.

- the region's press service said.


According to the JFO, as of 21.00, nine attacks were registered at the border on January 5, namely:

Velykopysarivska community: the enemy fired from a mortar (28 explosions).

Shalyhyne community: shelling with cannon artillery (7 explosions).

Sveska community: Russians dropped 3 mines on the territory of the community.

Bilopilska community: mortar shelling (4 explosions) and grenade launchers (10 explosions) were recorded.

За минулу добу окупанти 6 разів обстріляли прикордонні території Чернігівської та Сумської областей05.01.24, 09:37


On January 5, it was also reported that a saboteur was being searched for in Sumy region.

According to  , the SBU continues to carry out comprehensive counter-sabotage measures aimed at preventing and neutralizing threats of reconnaissance and subversive activities on the border with Russia in Sumy region.

Tatiana Salganik



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