
Stefanchuk announces an event that will confirm the promotion of Ukraine's interests in the US Congress

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The Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada said that a new example of inter-parliamentary cooperation to promote Ukraine's interests in the US Congress would soon appear.

During the forum "Ukraine. The Year 2024" forum, he made a statement that in the near future we will see an example of inter-parliamentary cooperation that will demonstrate the promotion of Ukraine's interests in the US Parliament, reports UNN correspondent.

"We do not discount our relations with the United States Congress. Once again, I emphasize that we appreciate the bicameral and bipartisan support that we have today. But we will continue, and in the near future, literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you will get a new example. I don't want to spoil it, but it will be a new example of speaker cooperation at the level of how to promote Ukraine's interests in the United States Congress," Stefanchuk said at the Ukraine. Year 2024" conference.


On February 13, the U.S. Senate approved a bill to provide $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. A significant portion of these funds, more than $60 billion, is earmarked for Ukraine. However, the House of Representatives does not have unanimous support for this bill, with House Speaker Mike Johnson opposing it.

Without approval by the House of Representatives, the bill cannot be signed by the US President and will not enter into force. The House of Representatives is currently on recess until February 28.


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