
Stallone spent Thanksgiving with Trump at President-elect Mar-a-Lago's estate

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Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone spent Thanksgiving in the company of Donald Trump. Previously, Stallone did not publicly support the candidate from the Republican Party of the United States.

Reports UNN with reference to Newsweek.

Sylvester Stallone spent Thanksgiving with Donald Trump at President-elect Mar-a-Lago's estate in Palm Beach, Florida. This is evidenced by video footage, reports Newsweek.

Just days after Trump defeated vice president Kamala Harris in the presidential election in early November, Hollywood actor Stallone, who did not publicly support the candidate this year, was also photographed at the Mar-a-Lago membership club.


Ex-porn star Stormy Daniels has spoken out about claims that she is going to leave the United States after the recent victory of Donald Trump in the presidential election.

Голлівудські зірки на чолі з Де Ніро підтримали Камалу Гарріс у Філадельфії28.10.24, 04:35


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