
Satellite photos of the consequences of the Ukrainian strike on the Port of Kavkaz in the Krasnodar Territory have appeared

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Satellite images show that part of the Kavkaz oil depot was damaged as a result of a Ukrainian rocket attack.

Satellite images of the Kavkaz oil depot near Kerch show that as a result of a Ukrainian missile attack, part of the oil terminal located on the territory of the port was damaged. This is reported by UNN with reference to Radio Liberty. 


At the disposal of the Radio Liberty Project "schemes" were satellite images of Planet Labs, which recorded the consequences of missile strikes on the morning of May 31, 2024.

"Нептун" росте: Плетенчук прокоментував ураження українською ракетою цілей в окупованому Криму та краснодарі31.05.24, 15:31

The degree of damage to the structure can be estimated by comparing the images of May 31 with the images that the satellite took a day earlier. The latest images, in addition to damage to the tank farm, show that large vessels were removed from the port's water area.   


In terms of cargo turnover, the Port of Kavkaz is the fifth in the Russian Federation and the second in the Black Sea – Azov Basin after Novorossiysk. 

The publication adds that the tank farm in the Port of Kavkaz plays an important role in Russia's supply of fuel to the occupied territories of Crimea, as well as certain areas of the Kherson, Zaporizhia and Donetsk regions.

Кількаденна операція за участю СБУ: стали відомі подробиці щодо уражень у краснодарському краї31.05.24, 11:20

The partial destruction of the tank farm, as well as the failure of the Avangard railway ferry as a result of a missile strike on the Kerch port the day before, may significantly complicate logistics for the Russian army in Crimea and on the southern fronts.


The General Staff stated that the Ukrainian Defense Forces on the night of  May 31 hit the ferry crossing and oil terminal of the Port of Kavkaz, in the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation


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