
Reuters: Ireland intends to recognize the Palestinian state

 • 23060 переглядiв

Ireland intends to announce the recognition of Palestine as a state on Wednesday, May 22.

The Irish government intends to declare recognition of Palestine on Wednesday, May 22. This is reported by Reuters with reference to sources, reports UNN.


On the eve of the government of Ukraine reported that the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and defense of Ireland Simon Harris and Michol Martin will speak to journalists. However, the topic of their speech was not specified.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently said that only the creation of a Palestinian state will stop the war between Israel and the Palestinian movement "Hamas".


Palestine applied to join the UN as a full member in September 2011, but then did not receive the support of the Security Council.

On April 4, 2024, Malta granted Palestine's request to resume consideration of its application for UN membership.

On May 10, the UN General Assembly agreed on a draft resolution with a recommendation from the UN Security Council to consider accepting Palestine as a full member.

Палестина через напад на Ізраїль втратила фіндопомогу найкрупніших європейських донорів – Німеччини та Австрії09.10.23, 15:09 • [views_14058840]


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