
Prosecutors have completed the investigation of the case of the people's deputy who extorted money from a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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The investigation of the NABU and SAPO against a people's deputy, chairman of the Budget Committee, who demanded money from a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for assistance in allocating material assistance for medical treatment, has been completed.

The investigation of the case of the chairman of the Budget Committee, who was detained "red - handed" in early 2024, during an attempt to extort money from a serviceman, was completed by representatives of the NABU and SAPO; the actions of the person involved were previously qualified under Part 1 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, reports UNN with reference to the press service of the anti-corruption prosecutor's office.


NABU and SAPO have completed an investigation against a deputy of the Regional Council, chairman of the Budget Committee, who was convicted of requesting and receiving illegal benefits from a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. - the message says.

It is established that in January 2024, the official offered the serviceman assistance in allocating him material assistance for medical treatment. That is, the defender of Ukraine, after receiving funds to a bank card, had to give the official half of the amount.

Журналіст звинуватив антикорупціонера Шабуніна у привласненні авто, яке передбачалося для фронту18.05.24, 15:49

On March 20, 2024, the NABU and SAPO, together with the SBU, detained the deputy "in the hot seat" at the time of receiving illegal benefits. His actions are qualified under Part 1 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the prosecutor's office notes.

Антикорупціонер про результати перевірки укріплень на Київщині: за останні місяці збудували більше, ніж за попередні два роки29.05.24, 15:19


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