
Passenger traffic at the border at the weekend increased, more people are leaving than entering - border guards

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Passenger traffic on Ukraine's western border reached 168,000 over the weekend, with more people leaving Ukraine than entering.

Passenger traffic on Ukraine's western border reached 168,000 people over the weekend, with more people crossing the border to leave than to enter, the State Border Guard Service reported, UNN reports.  


On May 11, 84,000 people and 20,000 vehicles crossed Ukraine's western borders with the EU and Moldova (in Chernivtsi region). On May 11, 47,000 people left Ukraine, 29,000 of whom crossed the border with Poland. Over the past 24 hours, 37 thousand people crossed into Ukraine, 32 thousand of them were Ukrainian citizens.

On May 12, 84 thousand people and 19 thousand vehicles crossed the western border. Over the past day, 44 thousand people left Ukraine. 27,000 of them crossed the border into Poland, the rest went to other EU countries and Moldova. Over the past day, 40 thousand people crossed into Ukraine, 37 thousand of them are citizens of Ukraine.

According to the State Border Guard Service, over the weekend of May 4-5, passenger traffic amounted to 106,000 (61,000 on Saturday and 45,000 on Sunday). Thus, last weekend, May 11-12, passenger traffic increased by 58.5% compared to the previous week.

Over the past week, 509,000 people and 125,000 vehicles crossed Ukraine's western borders with the EU and Moldova (in Bukovyna). 536 trucks with humanitarian aid were cleared. Whereas a week earlier , 475 thousand people and 122 thousand vehicles crossed Ukraine's western borders with the EU and Moldova (in Bukovyna). This is an increase of 7.16%.

З України після Великодня продовжує виїжджати більше людей, ніж приїздити: назвали цифри11.05.24, 13:24


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