
Occupants attack Kherson residential area: 72-year-old man wounded

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Russian forces attack a residential area in Kherson, wounding a 72-year-old resident.

Russian troops shelled a residential area in Kherson, injuring a 72-year-old resident. This was reported by the Kherson RMA on Tuesday, UNN reports

Occupation forces attacked a residential area of Kherson. One of the apartments in a high-rise building was hit. A 72-year-old resident of Kherson was injured as a result of enemy shelling

- RMA said in a statement. 

An ambulance reportedly took the victim to a hospital in moderate condition. He was diagnosed with a concussion, arm injury, explosive and traumatic brain injury. 

На Херсонщині росіяни поцілили по критичній інфраструктурі та очисних спорудах, є загиблий та поранені25.06.24, 08:29

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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