
Not smog, but smoke: the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center told what caused the spread of smoke in Kyiv region

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The smoke observed in the Kyiv region is caused by the spread of smoke from the north and northeast from fires in peatlands and open areas in the region and neighboring Chernihiv and Sumy regions. This was reported on Friday at the Ukrainian Weather Center, UNN reports. 

The smoke (not smog!) currently observed in the Kyiv region is caused by the spread of smoke from the north and northeast of the fires that have occurred in peatlands and open areas in Kyiv, Chernihiv and Sumy regions 

- The report of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center says. 

It is noted that the synoptic situation is now determined by a high-pressure field, weak north and northeast winds, which contributes to the accumulation of harmful impurities in the surface layer of the atmosphere.

У Києві влада заявила, що вода, яка подається в оселі, якісна та безпечна20.09.24, 12:03

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, the radiation background is normal.

Forecasters emphasized that this is not a meteorological phenomenon and its duration will be determined by how long the source of the smoke exists.

They urged to follow the recommendations of the State Emergency Service on how to behave in such situations: 

  • limit the time spent outside;
  • keep the windows closed;
  • maintain water balance;
  • use a mask or respirator and an air purifier.

Забруднення повітря у Києві та інших регіонах: рекомендації лікаря для безпеки здоров’я20.09.24, 10:38

Initially, the Ministry of Environmental Protection statedthat the probable cause of the temporary deterioration in the air quality in the capital was forest fires in the Dubechansky, Novosilkovsky, and Fenevytsky forestries of Kyiv region, as well as seasonal temperature changes.

After that, the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" statedthat all fires on the territories of the state enterprise in Kyiv region have been eliminated. The smog in the capital arose for other reasons, and the air quality deteriorated due to other factors.

Later, the Ministry of Environmental Protection stated that the reason for the deterioration of air quality in Kyiv was the burning of peatlands, other ecosystems, and autumn temperature drops. 

Київ потрапив у топ-3 міст світу з найбруднішим повітрям - QIAir20.09.24, 08:32


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