
No activity of enemy subversive reconnaissance groups at the border in the last few days - SBGS spokesman

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In recent days, border guards have not recorded any enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, but the threat remains.

Border guards have not recorded any enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups over the past few days, but this does not eliminate the threat. This was stated during a briefing by the State Border Guard Service spokesman Andriy Demchenko, UNN reports.


He noted that the threat of the enemy using sabotage and reconnaissance groups remains.

Although no enemy subversive reconnaissance groups have been recorded over the past few days. But let me remind you that they have been most active in the Sumy sector recently. Also, the activity of enemy subversive reconnaissance groups continued in the Kharkiv sector

- Demchenko said.

He added that active subversive reconnaissance groups are currently being recruited in Chernihiv region. Although in Chernihiv region the enemy usually used subversive reconnaissance groups to enter Ukrainian territory and expose the locations of the Defense Forces units in order to strike there later.


The russian military uses tactical drones along the border with Ukraine to study weaknesses for possible sabotage and reconnaissance missions.

Три схрони із російською зброєю та вибухівкою виявили у 3 областях: поблизу Києва знайшли гранатомети ворожих ДРГ08.02.24, 12:31


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