
NABU submits to court case on bribery of ex-Kyiv City Council deputy

 • 8376 переглядiв

A former member of the Kyiv City Council and two accomplices are accused of extorting a bribe for appointment to a position in the Zhytniy Market utility. The suspect has been on the international wanted list since June 2023.

The NABU and the SAPO have sent to court a case against a former deputy of the Kyiv City Council, who headed one of the permanent commissions of the Kyiv City Council, and two of his accomplices. They are accused of asking for a bribe for the appointment of a candidate for the position of deputy director, and later - director of the Zhytniy Market, UNN reports .


According to the investigation, in March 2021, a Kyiv City Council deputy conducted an “interview” with the candidate in his antique shop and veiledly said that the appointment would cost USD 30 thousand. The deputy's assistant clarified that this amount was only for the appointment, and that further payments would depend on the situation.

In June 2024, the former MP, his former assistant and a close person were served with a notice of suspicion under Part 4 of Article 368 and Part 5 of Article 27, Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The special pre-trial investigation against the former MP was conducted in connection with his being on the international wanted list since June 2023.

Additionally, since November 2022, the suspect, together with five accomplices, has been in the dock in the case of receiving UAH 1.39 million in illegal benefits for the placement of seasonal mobile trade outlets in Kyiv.

Warning: In accordance with part one of Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is presumed innocent of committing a crime and shall not be subjected to criminal punishment until his or her guilt is proved in accordance with the law and established by a court verdict of guilty.

Скандал в НАБУ: Углава не збирається закривати очі на проблеми в бюро 10.09.24, 13:34

Lilia Podolyak



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