
Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan agree with China to build railway to Europe bypassing Russia

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Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have agreed with China to build a 450-500 km long railway to Europe bypassing Russia as part of the China One Belt, One Road Initiative.

Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have agreed with China to build a railway to Europe that will bypass Russia. This is reported by the Moscow time, reports UNN.


Beijing, Bishkek and Tashkent discussed the project for 27 years, and signed the agreement on June 6 in Beijing. Construction is scheduled to begin in October this year. The 450-500 km long railway will be part of China's One Belt, One Road global initiative.

Experts note that the annual volume of cargo transportation will reach 15 million tons, and the delivery time of goods to end users will be reduced by 7 days

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

The road will run from Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China through Torugart, Makmal and Jalal Abad in Kyrgyzstan to Andijan in Uzbekistan. Then the highway will connect with roads from other Central Asian countries, from where cargo will go to the Caspian Sea, Turkey and Europe.

Китай відповів на заяву Столтенберга щодо підтримки путінської війни в Україні18.06.24, 17:09


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