
Hearings on the merits of Ukraine's claim against Russia for violation of the law of the sea began in Hague

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The presentation of Ukraine's position in the case concerning the rights of a coastal state in the Black and Azov Seas and in the Kerch Strait (Ukraine v. Russia) has begun at the arbitration tribunal in The Hague, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said on Monday, UNN reports.


"On September 23, the delegation of Ukraine, headed by the agent of Ukraine, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Anton Korynevych, began presenting Ukraine's position at oral hearings at the arbitral tribunal established in accordance with Annex VII to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in the case concerning the rights of Ukraine as a coastal state in the Black and Azov Seas and in the Kerch Strait (Ukraine v. Russia)," the statement said.

The case, which was filed by Ukraine in 2016, concerns Russia's violation of the fundamental principles of the law of the sea - the right of transit passage, freedom of navigation, and the obligation to protect the underwater environment and underwater cultural heritage.

The hearings at the Peace Palace in The Hague, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, will last until October 5, 2024 and are confidential to the public except for the opening and closing statements of the agents of the disputing parties.

"Bringing Russia to justice for violations of international law is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to implement the Peace Formula of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The work of the Ukrainian delegation in The Hague over the next two weeks is aimed at restoring justice for our country and our people in the field of the law of the sea," the Foreign Ministry emphasized.

Wanting to take possession of the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait, Russia built large gates at their entrance to restrict international shipping, allowing mostly its own small riverboats to pass through. Now, Russia views the Kerch Strait, the Sea of Azov, and possibly even parts of the Black Sea as its own waters. russia wants these waters to be seen as part of its 21st century empire. And although you will hear Russian experts say that the Azov Sea is like a lake or a river, Ukraine strongly rejects these claims, and this tribunal should reject them as well. The Sea of Azov is not a lake or a small river delta. It is more than 37,000 square kilometers of semi-enclosed sea. The bridge is illegal and must be dismantled. The passage through the Kerch Strait should be similar to what it was before this illegal obstruction to navigation began

- Ukraine's agent, Korynevych, pointed out in particular during his speech.

He emphasized that "Ukraine's appeal to this tribunal is simple". "We ask you to apply the Convention as it is written. According to Article 293, you "apply this Convention" according to the facts before you. Exercise the compulsory jurisdiction that UNCLOS gives you. And for the small but important case of Russia's unlawful behavior that is being considered - its violation of the law of the sea - hold Russia accountable," said Ambassador Korynevych.

У Гаазі сьогодні розпочинаються слухання за позовом України проти рф щодо порушення морського права23.09.24, 09:00


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