
From March, Ukraine will be able to export even more electricity to the EU

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On March 1, Ukraine will increase electricity exports to Europe by 150 MW, starting next week.

Starting next week, Ukraine will increase its ability to export electricity to Europe. This was stated by the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko on his Facebook page, UNN reports.


+ 150 MW of capacity for electricity exports from Ukraine to Europe! Starting March 1, our export capacity will increase to 550 MW per hour. ENTSO-E's decision was not delayed. I thank our partners for this promptness and constant effective dialog

- Galushchenko said. 

According to him, the expansion of exports is an opportunity to raise additional funds to restore Ukraine's energy sector. In addition, it will strengthen the energy sustainability and stability of the whole of Europe. 

For reference

ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, is a cooperation association of European transmission system operators. Its 39 members, representing 35 countries, are responsible for the safe and coordinated operation of the European electricity system, the largest interconnected electricity network in the world.


Ukraine's Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko discussed deepening cooperation in the energy sector with his counterparts from the UK, France and Lithuania at a ministerial meeting in Paris on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the International Energy Agency.

Галущенко повідомив, коли Україна планує почати будівництво великих блоків для АЕС21.01.24, 18:42


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