
Fierce fighting continues on a large part of the border strip: Zelenskyy on the situation in Kharkiv region

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Fierce fighting continues on a large part of the border strip in Kharkiv region as Russian occupiers try to gain a foothold in some occupied villages for further advancement, while Ukrainian troops hold their positions and inflict losses on the enemy, President Zelenskyy's report says.

Russian occupants are trying to gain a foothold in some of the occupied villages, and use some of them for further advancement. This was announced in an evening report by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, UNN reports .

We pay special attention to Kharkiv region. Defensive battles and fierce fighting continue on a large part of our border strip. There are villages that have actually turned from a "gray zone" into a combat zone, and the occupier is trying to gain a foothold in some of them, or simply use them for further advancement. I want to thank our soldiers who are holding their positions and destroying the occupier. Artillery, drones - all those who are involved, and they are involved accurately - I thank you. Our task is obvious: we need to inflict as many losses as possible on the occupier,

- said the president.


According to Zelensky, the situation on the outskirts of Vovchansk is extremely difficult.

"The city is under constant Russian fire. Our military is carrying out counterattacks in the city and helping local residents. And it is very important that everyone who is directly there in the Kharkiv region, in the military, in the security forces, in local authorities, in communities, should show maximum efficiency. It all depends on what you are capable of doing, what you can do, whether you can withstand the blows and and hold your ground so that everyone else can do the same. The main thing is our resilience and the Ukrainian result in battles," the Head of State said.

The plan of the occupants in Kharkiv region is to stretch the Armed Forces of Ukraine and undermine the moral and motivational basis of the ability of Ukrainians to defend themselves, the President believes. Heavy fighting continues in Donetsk region - 30 combat engagements per day in the Pokrovske direction.

"The Liman, Vremivsk , Kramatorsk, and Kupyansk directions are also tough," Zelensky said.

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