
Elon Musk is called to explain why the US military in Taiwan lost access to Starlink

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US congressmen call on Elon Musk to explain why the US military in and around Taiwan does not have access to Starlink communications under the Starshield program funded by the US Department of Defense.

US congressmen are calling on SpaceX founder Elon Musk to provide the US military with access to Starlink communications in Taiwan. According to Forbes, Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher sent a letter to Musk, calling on the businessman to explain why the US military in and around Taiwan does not have access to the Starshield program, which, among other things, provides the US military with Starlink communications, UNN reports .


The lawmaker pointed out that the US Department of Defense had invested tens of millions of dollars in this program and that it was designed specifically for the military.

The Forbes article also says that a "group of American lawmakers" is involved in such calls for Elon Musk.

And The Wall Street Journal reports that the House Committee on China, chaired by Gallagher, has received information from multiple sources that the broadband satellite communications provided through the Starshield program are inactive in and around Taiwan.

SpaceX may have blocked broadband Internet services in and around Taiwan. Possibly in violation of SpaceX's contractual obligations with the U.S. government

Congressman Gallagher writes in the letter, according to The Wall Street Journal and Forbes, whose journalists have access to the letter, dated February 24.

Конгресмени США вимагають від Ілона Маска забезпечити на Тайвані інтернет SpaceX25.02.24, 12:15


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