
Due to hostilities and technical reasons, there are problems with electricity in six regions - Ministry of Energy

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Residents of Dnipropetrovs'k, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Odesa, Kyiv and Sumy regions are partially without electricity due to enemy shelling and technical reasons. This was reported by the Ministry of Energy on Sunday, according to UNN


In Dnipropetrovs'k region, power engineers continue to eliminate the consequences of enemy attacks. This may result in temporary technical outages, the Energy Ministry said. As of this morning, about 550 consumers remain without power.

In the Donetsk region, 25 settlements were reportedly cut off from power as a result of the fighting, while power companies supplied electricity to more than 11,000 consumers in 17 settlements. In total, nearly 43,000 metering points remain without power as a result of the fighting.

In Zaporizhzhia region, 500 consumers were cut off due to shelling by Russian troops, all of whom have been reconnected. However, 1.4 thousand customers were cut off for technical reasons.

In Kyiv region, 231 consumers are without power for technical reasons, and in Sumy region - 4 settlements.

In addition, 114 metering points in Odesa region are reportedly without power due to technological disruptions.

The situation is stable. The use of stabilization schedules of power outages is not expected

- the Ministry of Energy said.

Енергетики повністю відновили світло для жителів Кривого Рогу04.02.24, 00:21


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