
China calls for major peace conference on Gaza war

 • 28112 переглядiв

China is in favor of a comprehensive international peace conference on the war between Israel and Hamas. Reuters reports UNN.


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reportedly said that the war in Gaza continues to escalate. China is in favor of a larger, more authoritative and effective international peace conference, Wang said.

He also says that China wants a specific timetable for the implementation of the two-state solution.

Wang made his statements after talks with the Egyptian Foreign Minister.

He believes that the international community should listen carefully to the legitimate concerns of the countries of the region. 

China calls for convening a larger, more authoritative and more effective international peace conference, formulating a specific timetable and roadmap for the implementation of the "two-state solution" and supporting Israel's early recovery. "Palestinian peace negotiations"

Wang said.

Ізраїль стверджує, що ПАР надала Міжнародному суду спотворену інформацію в справі щодо геноциду в Газі12.01.24, 14:58

Lilia Podolyak

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