
Budanov told, who and how contributed to the last exchange of prisoners of war

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Thanks to cooperation with the UAE and other friends of Ukraine, Ukraine has brought home another 100 defenders from Russian captivity, bringing the total number of returnees since the beginning of the war to 3135.

The head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov told journalists how Ukraine is bringing home its defenders from captivity and who is helping to do so. Budanov published part of the interview on his Telegram page, UNN reports.

Today, Ukraine has brought home another 100 Ukrainian defenders from Russian captivity. We continue to make efforts to free all our people from captivity.

- Budanov wrote under the video


Budanov reminded journalists that the number of returnees to Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war has already reached 3,135 defenders. 

He also noted that the work on the liberation of our defenders from captivity continues, and  friends of Ukraine are helping to make it happen. In particular, representatives from the UAE.

Буданов закликає Канаду надати Україні ракети CRV7 для відбиття російської агресі06.02.24, 00:05


On the evening of February 8, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the return of 100 Ukrainians from Russian captivity.  In particular, during the 51st exchange, it was possible to release 84 Mariupol defenders (including 82 Azovstal defenders), while the rest performed combat missions in the Donetsk and Luhansk sectors.

СБУ показали перші кадри прибуття українських захисників з 51-го обміну військовополоненими08.02.24, 21:22


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