
Borrell: the goal of the summit in Switzerland is to develop common parameters of peac

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The peace summit in Switzerland aims to develop general parameters for peace between the participating countries based on international law and the UN charter, focusing on issues such as nuclear security, prisoner exchange and the return of abducted Ukrainian children, but it is not a platform for direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.

The Peace Summit organized by Switzerland is not a platform for direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. However, it will bring together almost 100 countries from around the world to discuss how to initiate the process of ending the war against Ukraine on the principles of the UN Charter. This was written by the head of the EU diplomats  Josep Borrell in his own blog  on the website of the European External Action Service, UNN reports.

This weekend I will participate in a summit on peace in Ukraine in Switzerland. This is not a platform for direct negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. The goal of the summit is to develop common parameters for peace between the participating countries based on international law and the UN Charter

- Borrell wrote.

He said that the summit will also focus on some practical issues on which to engage with Russia: how to strengthen nuclear security, facilitate the exchange of prisoners and ensure the return of many thousands of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia.

According to Borrell, the focus will also be on ensuring free navigation and protecting the Black Sea port infrastructure.

"Any ceasefire that allows Russia to maintain its repressive regime in the occupied territories will reward this aggression, undermine international law and encourage further territorial expansion of the Russian Federation,"  the EU diplomat said.

Політолог про Глобальний саміт миру: Україна повинна вибити з рук інших країн козирі, що дозволяють їм пропонувати свої варіанти мирного плану11.06.24, 16:47 • [views_120211]

He reminded  that every UN report since 2022 has provided numerous evidences of brutal repressions against Ukrainians and systematic human rights violations in the occupied territories.

Borrell also said that Putin's "envoys"  are traveling around the world to dissuade countries from participating in the Peace Summit. "Russia is clearly not ready for negotiations in good faith and will use any ceasefire to rearm and attack again," the diplomat said.

Other proposals will be discussed at the summit, but Borrell said the EU believes that the 10-point peace formula proposed by Ukraine remains the most reliable basis for future peace talks.


International political analyst Maksym Yali told a UNN journalist that the maximum result for Ukraine at the Peace Summit would be if 90 countries that have declared their presence come and support even three points from the Ukrainian Peace Formula: nuclear security, food security, and the exchange of prisoners, including the return of children.


Switzerland says 90 countries and organizations have registered for the Peace Summit .

In May, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated  that the main issues to be discussed during the Peace Summit in Switzerland include the possibility of an "all-for-all" exchange, the return of abducted children and deported Ukrainians to Ukraine, and nuclear safety.


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