
Blockade on the border with Poland: Polish protesters will let 12 cars through the Shehyni checkpoint to Ukraine every 12 hours

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Polish protesters will allow 12 cars to pass through the Shehyni checkpoint into Ukraine every 12 hours, while continuing to block trucks at six border crossings.

Polish farmers continue to block traffic for trucks at six checkpoints on the border with Ukraine. There are about 2,350 trucks in line to enter Ukraine, but the protesters decided to let 12 trucks enter Ukraine once every 12 hours through the Shehyni checkpoint, said Andriy Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, during a telethon on Tuesday, UNN reports .


Unfortunately, the blocking of traffic for trucks on the other side of the border by Polish farmers continues. I would like to remind you that out of the 9 checkpoints on the border with Poland, 6 of them are blocked by Polish farmers, who are located on the roads leading to the border and are making it difficult for trucks to cross. Fortunately, other categories of transport: cars and buses cross the border freely in both directions

- Demchenko said.

He added that a total of 2,350 trucks are waiting in line at all six destinations.

Most of them are at the Krakivets and Yahodyn checkpoints. This is 650 trucks each. It should be understood that in some areas Polish farmers let more vehicles through, in others they completely block the traffic, as was the case at the Shehyni checkpoint, where starting from Friday they did not let trucks through in both directions. Last night, according to our Polish colleagues, we received information that the protesters decided to let 12 cars pass to Ukraine once every 12 hours

- Demchenko added.

The spokesperson noted that Polish farmers are blocking the possibility of trucks traveling to Poland through the Yahodyn checkpoint:

In recent days, there have also been zero border crossings leaving Ukraine and several trucks have been allowed to cross into Ukraine. Over the past 24 hours, 50 trucks crossed the border in this direction, heading from Poland to Ukraine

 - said Demchenko. 

There is also a decrease in the number of border crossings at other checkpoints: "Rava-Ruska, Ustyluh, Uhryniv, and Krakivets, where blockades are also in place.

Україна та Словенія планують ратифікувати Угоду про донацію коштів на розмінування04.03.24, 19:26


Last Friday , Polish farmers refused to let any truck traveling to either Ukraine or Poland through the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint. 

Міністр оборони Польщі закликав жителів своєї країни не розповсюджувати данні про рух військ польськими дорогами05.03.24, 10:20


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