
Wheat field burned in Mykolaiv region due to enemy shelling

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Enemy shelling caused a fire in a wheat field in Mykolaiv region.

In Mykolaiv region, a field with wheat burned down due to enemy shelling over the past day, the head of the Mykolaiv RMA Vitaliy Kim said on Wednesday, UNN reports.

Yesterday, on July 2, at 15:00 and 19:45, the enemy attacked the Kutsurub community with FPV kamikaze drones. As a result, two cars were damaged. One of the cars burned down completely and a wheat field caught fire. The fire was quickly extinguished by firefighters. No one was injured 

- Kim wrote on Telegram.

According to the State Emergency Service in the region, in the Kutsurubska community, rescuers extinguished a fire of dead wood (2 hectares) and wheat on the roots (15 hectares), and saved 25 hectares of grain. It was caused by the occupiers' shelling.

According to Kim, at 18:09 and 18:15, the waters of the Kutsurub community were also attacked by FPV kamikaze drones.

Намагаються знищити майбутній урожай: на Харківщині окупанти обстріляли пшеничне поле, спалахнула пожежа01.07.24, 20:18


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