
A six-meter sinkhole and hundreds of destroyed trees: State Ecological Inspectorate shows the consequences of the Russian missile fall in Kyiv region

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A huge crater 6 meters deep and 14 meters wide was left by a destroyed Russian missile in Bucha, Kyiv region, destroying 700 trees over an area of 2,000 square meters.

A huge crater left by a destroyed Russian missile was spotted in the Kyiv region. This was reported by the press service of the State Ecological Inspectorate of the capital's district, UNN reports.


During a massive missile attack on February 15, 2024, a huge crater was created on the territory of the Bucha community in Kyiv region as a result of the destruction of a Russian missile. Environmental inspectors went to the site to record the damage to the environment

- the department summarized. 

Experts found that the crater was 6 meters deep and 14 meters in diameter. The rocket also destroyed 700 pine, oak and birch trees under 12 years old over an area of 2,000 square meters.

It is noted that environmental inspectors will collect all the necessary information to calculate the environmental damage caused by the armed aggression of Russian troops.

На Київщині підрахували збитки завдані ранковим ракетним обстрілом – ОВА15.02.24, 19:20


On the morning of February 15, 2024, the Russian occupiers attacked Ukraine with air-launched cruise missiles X-101 / X-555 / X-55, sea-launched Kalibr, Iskander-M / KN-23 ballistic missiles, S-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles, X-59 guided air missiles

The Ukrainian Air Force and Defense Forces destroyed 13 missiles of various types out of 26 launched by Russian troops.


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