
A military base south of Baghdad in Iraq was hit by an air strike

 • 40177 переглядiв

An airstrike on a military base south of Baghdad used by the Iraqi militant group al-Hashd al-Shaabi caused material damage, but no casualties were reported.

A powerful explosion occurred at the Kalsu military base south of Baghdad, Reuters sources said. The facility is used by the Iraqi militia organization al-Hashd al-Shaabi. Its units took part in the attack on US troops in Iraq. Al-Arabiya TV channel published a video of the attack on Telegram, UNN reports .


Reuters sources said the explosions were the result of an air strike. It is not known who attacked the military base. The target was the headquarters of the al-Hashd al-Shaabi organization. Reuters' interlocutors claim that no one was killed, but material damage was caused.

According to AFP, one person was killed and eight were injured.


The Kalsu military base is located in Babil province, about 50 km south of Baghdad. The organization "Al-Hashd al-Shaabi" emerged as an association of armed groups close to Iran, Reuters notes. Later, the Iraqi authorities recognized them as official security forces. For several months, the organization's units have been attacking U.S. troops in Iraq with missiles and drones in support of the Palestinians in the war in the Gaza Strip. In February, the strikes stopped.

Ірак закрив повітряний простір, іранські безпілотники перетнули його кордон14.04.24, 00:10


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