
700 people in Germany suspected of spying through Islamic university

 • 10416 переглядiв

German special services are investigating about 700 people suspected of agent work in the interests of the Iranian authorities. They are, according to BILD, linked to Berlin's Islamic university “Mustafa Institute,” reports UNN

According to the investigation, the Quds Force of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps harbors spies through the Berlin branch of an Iranian university. At the same time, Quds Force supports terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah.

Mustafa International University, with branches around the world, is used by the Quds Force as a recruiting platform for intelligence gathering and operations, including recruitment into foreign militias

- U.S. Treasury Department documents said.

According to BILD, investigators have divided all the suspects into three groups: 63 people with German passports , 551 Mustafa University students with a “German connection” and 78 so-called “trainees from the FRG.

В Израиле разоблачили ряд шпионов, которые работали на Иран: что известно21.10.2024, 19:27

The CDU/CSU bloc has already demanded that the German Interior Ministry immediately ban the Islamist university from operating in the country.

“Iranian Islamist institutions on German territory must be shut down immediately. The threat posed by Iran is obvious. The interior minister must not continue to ignore this,” CDU spokesman Alexander Dobrindt said.

Special services expert Christoph de Vries believes that the German authorities should explain why they did not close the Mustafa Institute, which has been on the U.S. and Canadian sanctions lists for years. According to him, the Iranian university is “a central recruiting center for terrorism.

В Германии россиянин проник на полигон Бундесвера: спецслужбы не исключают шпионаж в пользу рф14.10.2024, 20:31


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