Ukrainian intelligence has obtained a large volume of classified documents of "Rosaviation": Russian civil aviation is on the verge of collapse

Ukrainian intelligence has obtained a large volume of classified documents of "Rosaviation": Russian civil aviation is on the verge of collapse

Kyiv  •  UNN

November 23 2023, 06:58 AM  •  19603 views

Ukrainian intelligence has obtained classified documents from Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency that reveal the terrible state of Russian civil aviation, with a sharp increase in the number of air crashes and systemic maintenance problems due to sanctions and a shortage of spare parts.

Military Intelligence Ukraine's military intelligence conducted a cyber operation that resulted in the acquisition of a large volume of classified documents of the Russian Air Force, in particular, daily reports for the entire Russian Federation for more than a year and a half period.  This was reported by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, according to UNN.

As a result of a successful complex special operation in cyberspace a large amount of classified official documents of a structural unit of the Ministry of subdivision of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation - the Federal Air Transport transport" ("rosaviation")

, the DIU said in a statement.


The intelligence service noted that Rosaviatsia is responsible for for flight safety in the Russian Federation and records all emergencies.

Among the data obtained as a result of hacking and penetration into enemy information systems is a list of daily reports of Rosaviatsia on the scale of of the entire Russian Federation for more than a year and a half.

Their analysis, as noted by the GUR, shows that the sphere of civil aviation in terrorist Russia is on the verge of collapse.

The intelligence service has published a number of telling documentary facts:

1. In January 2023, 185 accidents were recorded in Russian civil aviation 185 air accidents were recorded in Russian civil aviation in January 2013. About a third of them were classified as incidents of varying levels of danger. The leader here was the Russian short-haul aircraft "dry superjet" - 34 problematic cases.

2. In the first 9 months of 2023, Russia documented 150 cases of aircraft malfunctions were documented in Russia. For the same period in 2022 50 such incidents were recorded. Thus, the increase in the danger of flying in Russia has tripled, according to the GUR.

3. The most problematic areas of Russian aviation are engines and landing gear, as well as hydraulic systems, flaps and software.

4. Russia has serious difficulties with the maintenance of high-flying aircraft. with a large number of overhauls. Due to a lack of capacity and specialists, Moscow is trying to reorient aircraft maintenance to Iran, where the relevant work is carried out without appropriate certification.

5. As of March 2022, the Russians had about 820 foreign-made civilian aircraft. And if at that time only up to 10% of them underwent uncertified repairs with the use of  unauthentic spare parts, now almost 70% of the fleet has been put through such a "service".

6. The acute shortage of spare parts has led to the so-called "aviation cannibalism" in Russia, when some aircraft are dismantled to repair others.  According to the available data, by mid-2023, more than 35% of the aircraft in Russia were more than 35% of the aircraft in the Russian Federation will be "donated."

7. Most Soviet An-2 airplanes, as of now, cannot take off from the ground, as can't get off the ground because their engines were manufactured in Poland, but their supply has been stopped due to sanctions.

8. In January 2023 alone, among the 220  Airbus aircraft "Airbus aircraft in Russia, 19 different failures were recorded. In particular, in 9 airplanes used by Aeroflot, 17 cases of smoke were recorded.

9. Out of 230 Boeing aircraft used in Russia, 33 technical failures of various aircraft systems were recorded.

10. Every seventh Brazilian "Embraer" failed to withstand the conditions of Russian operation Brazilian Embraer, and there are 21 of them in Russia.


The GUR notes that in September 2022, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) marked Russia in red, along with Liberia and Bhutan, which indicates an extremely high risk to flight safety.

Analysis of the nature of aviation incidents of aviation incidents from the received documents indicates that a number of failures, especially those related to engines, landing gear especially those related to engines, landing gear and wing mechanization, are systemic in nature. The trend shows that the civil aviation sector in Russia is in a zone of of serious turbulence with a high risk of crashing into a steep peak

- the intelligence pointed out.

This reality is a direct consequence of sanctions, the most the most painful of which for the aggressor state of Russia were:

● a ban on the supply of aircraft and spare parts to 9]

● complete denial of maintenance and provision of maintenance and services;

● refusal to update software;

● detention of Russian aircraft abroad;

● restriction of access to meteorological information for air navigation.

"Today, Moscow, exposing its population to mortal danger population, is trying by all means to hide an endless pile of problems with with civil aviation," the DIU emphasized.

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