Lawyers, prosecutors, SBU officers, entrepreneurs: the names of candidates for the NACP head have become known

Lawyers, prosecutors, SBU officers, entrepreneurs: the names of candidates for the NACP head have become known

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 29 2023, 04:56 PM  •  32169 views

51 candidates are applying for the position of the NACP head, and the state selection tests will begin on January 4, 2024.

The Cabinet of Ministers has published a list of 51 candidates for the post of head of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC), UNN reports.


According to the government, 51 people were admitted to the competition for the position of the NACP head:

  • Andrii Mykolaiovych Alimpiev - Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Deputy Commander of the Air Command;
  • Berveno Serhiy Mykolayovych - Head of the lawyer's association "Worthy cause"; 
  • Bronevytskyi Stanislav Stanislavovych - prosecutor of the sixth department of the Department of Public Prosecution and Representation in Court of the SAPO of the Prosecutor General's Office;
  • Oleksiy Vats is Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work and International Activities at the State Biotechnology University;
  • Andrii Vyshnevskyi - Deputy Head of the NACP until July 2023; .
  • Oleksandr Hladun - Advisor to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada; 
  • Maria Horishnia - Head of the Land Resources Department of Mykolaiv City Council;  .
  • Hupiak Serhii Leonidovych - Head of the fourth investigation department of the State Bureau of Investigation in Khmelnytskyi; 
  • Dibrova Kateryna Volodymyrivna - until December, the first deputy head of the Central Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice; .
  • Drobko Ihor Oleksandrovych - Head of the Human Resources Department at the NAPC; 
  • Zagrebelska Agiya Abbasivna - Deputy Chief of Staff of the NACP; 
  • Zernova Anastasiia Andriiivna - Head of the Department for Organization of Work with Stakeholders and Ensuring Adoption of Anti-Corruption Policy Acts of the NACP; .
  • Ruslan Ihonin - legal advisor of the Department for Prevention of Corruption; 
  • Kalyta Tetiana Viktorivna - Deputy Minister for Veterans Affairs on Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization; 
  • Kalmykov Dmytro Oleksandrovych - Head of the Anti-Corruption Policy Department of the NAPC; 
  • Kapliuk Kateryna Anatoliyivna - individual entrepreneur, investigative journalist; 
  • Vitalii Anatoliiovych Kachurovskyi;
  • Kireeva Iryna Vasylivna - legal advisor of the Register of Damages Caused by Russia to Ukraine; 
  • Koretskyi Oleh Pavlovych - lawyer; 
  • Kornienko Oleh Oleksandrovych - Head of the Department for Prevention and Prevention of Criminal and Other Offenses in a military unit; 
  • Koryuk Roman Oleksandrovych - chief specialist of the department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection;  
  • Kryvosheya Hennadii Hryhorovych - private entrepreneur; 
  • Velychko Volodymyr Anatoliyovych; . Mashtabey Sergiy Valentynovych - Chief Specialist of the Department of Digital Development in Transport of the Department of Digital Development and Postal Service; 
  • Miroshnichenko Mykhailo Ivanovych - until 2023 worked in various departments of the State Customs Service; 
  • Mostova Iryna Oleksandrivna - lawyer; 
  • Nazarov Dmytro Oleksandrovych - Senior Consultant of the Department for Prevention and Detection of Corruption of the State Protection Department; 
  • Nikulin Vitaliy Andriyovych - works in the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights; 
  • Novytskyi Oleksandr Valeriyovych - Head of the State Inspection of Architecture and Urban Development; 
  • Norets Roman Yuriyovych - works at the SBU; 
  • Pavlushchyk Viktor Volodymyrovych - NABU detective; 
  • Paliy Oleh Petrovych - Chief Specialist of the Inspection Division of the Department for Monitoring and Control of the Implementation of Legislative Acts; 
  • Podhoretz Serhii Vasyliovych - SAPO prosecutor; 
  • Podorozhko Volodymyr Volodymyrovych - manager of the executive office of Zaporizhzhia City Council; 
  • Vadym Anatoliiovych Pryimak - studies at the National Defense University named after A. A. Kuznetsov. Ivan Chernyakhovsky for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law; .
  • Roman Viacheslavovych Romaniuk - Head of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights; 
  • Sapihura Sofia Oleksiivna - individual entrepreneur;  
  • Senyk Valentyna Hryhorivna - worked as a deputy head of the department in the Department of Municipal Security of Odesa City Council; 
  • Seryogin Stanislav Yuriyovych - Head of the Department of the Central-Western Interregional Department of the NACP; 
  • Skomarov Oleksandr Viktorovych - works at the NABU; 
  • Soyma Volodymyr Petrovych - officer; 
  • Starodubtsev Oleksandr Yevheniiovych - Deputy Chief of Staff of the NACP; 
  • Stepanyan Serhiy Levonovych - acting head of the Department for Prevention of Corruption of the Ministry of Defense; 
  • Andrii Anatoliiovych Teteruk - works at the NAPC; 
  • Khavanov Artem Viacheslavovych - works at Ukreximbank; 
  • Khyt Yurii Petrovych - until October 2023, the SAPO prosecutor; 
  • Khoronovskyi Oleh Ihorovych - Chief Specialist of the Inspection Division of the Department for Monitoring of Control over the Implementation of Legislative Acts at the NACP; 
  • Shevchuk Oleksii Anatoliiovych - lawyer; 
  • Shulga Oleksandr Hennadiiovych - works at the NACP; 
  • Yuriychuk Ivan Yaroslavovych - Deputy Head of the State Service for Education Quality on Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization.


In total, there were 64 candidates for the position of the NACP head, 13 of whom were rejected.

The first stage of the competition for general aptitude testing, psychological testing, and trustworthiness testing will be held on January 4, 2024.

The second stage includes completing an ethical leadership task, testing the candidates' knowledge of anti-corruption legislation, written answers from the candidates about their vision of the NACP's future activities, and a psychological interview.

The third stage is an in-depth psychological interview and presentation by the candidates of their vision of the NACP's future activities.

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According to the Law on Prevention of Corruption, the head of the NAPC is appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers. The current head of the NACP, Oleksandr Novikov, was appointed on January 15, 2020.  

The NACP Head is appointed for a term of 4 years. The same person cannot hold the position of the Head for two consecutive terms.


The government has created an Interagency Working Group on Anti-Corruption Digital Tools. The Cabinet expects its activities to save the state UAH 48 billion in 2 years. Under the anti-corruption program, the group plans to launch 63 digital products by 2025.