In 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated UAH 13.3 billion to provide Ukrainians with drinking water

In 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers allocated UAH 13.3 billion to provide Ukrainians with drinking water

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 21 2023, 03:51 PM  •  27632 views

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has allocated UAH 13.3 billion in 2023 for 52 projects to modernize water supply and sewerage, including the restoration of the water supply system after the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP.

The Cabinet of Ministers in 2023 allocated UAH 13.3 billion in 2023 to finance projects to provide quality water to citizens and modernize the sewage system, UNN reports with reference to the Government Portal.


As reported by Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Butenko during a meeting of the State Commission on Technogenic and Environmental safety and emergency situations, in 2023 the Cabinet of Ministers allocated more than UAH 13.3 billion UAH for 52 relevant projects, including the restoration of water supply after the after the Kakhovka HPP explosion.

The first pumps are already being installed on the water supply system for the victims of the Kakhovka HPP explosion December 15 2023, 09:29 AM • 23855 views

According to Butenko, regulations are being developed to improve the supply of drinking water and promote the development of water supply and promote the development of water supply and sewage systems.

In addition, coordination and cooperation with international donors and partners is carried out to modernize water supply systems.

At the meeting it was It was decided that local budgets should provide funds to ensure implementation of regional and local programs (measures) to provide the population with quality drinking water in sufficient quantities.

In addition, it should monitoring of the quality and safety of drinking water supplied to the to the population, taking into account the assessment of the epidemic situation and the current of risks. And to provide the rural population with high-quality drinking water specialized public utilities should be created for the maintenance and operation of water sources and systems. maintenance, operation of water sources and water supply systems in rural areas

- the Cabinet of Ministers noted.

The regional and Kyiv city military administrations, in particular, are tasked with providing funding for the modernization of drinking water treatment facilities and the introduction of the latest technologies for drinking water treatment by water supply companies.


Ukraine has received a non-refundable loan of EUR 50 million from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) as part of the State Support Program support program "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%". The grant money is intended to support for Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses in times of war.