
We're used to paranoid excuses: Poland reacts to putin's accusation that Poles were guilty of starting World War II

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Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski was not surprised by putin's accusation that Poland started World War II in a recent interview

Commenting on putin's latest interview, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said that it is not the first time that russia has accused Warsaw of starting World War II. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Polish official's page on the social network X.


In particular, Sikorski is not surprised by the provocative statement about Poland's role in World War II. At the same time, the Polish minister noted that he did not expect such statements to be made by an American journalist.

This is not the first time that russian dictator Vladimir putin has accused Poland, which was invaded by the USSR on September 17, 1939, of starting World War II. We are used to paranoid justifications for russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. What is shocking is that this time they were used by an American journalist

- wrote Sikorsky.

На путіна подали заяву про "реабілітацію нацизму" після інтерв'ю Такеру Карлсону, в якому він намагався виправдати Гітлера09.02.24, 17:34


On February 6, an American journalist arrived in russia to interview putin. During the conversation, the russian dictator accused the Poles of Nazi Germany's attack on Poland in 1939.

The Poles forced them, they flirted with them, and yet they forced Hitler to start World War II with them. Why did the war begin on September 1, 1939, with Poland? It turned out to be intractable. And Hitler had no choice but to start with Poland in the realization of his plans

- putin said.


EU spokeswoman criticized putin's "Western" interview, saying he repeated old lies and showed even more hostility to the West without offering real steps toward peace in Ukraine.

Спецоперація рф: у ГУР відреагували на інтерв'ю путіна Карлсону09.02.24, 19:11


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