
Wandering in the woods for almost two weeks: a man who drove away in a car and disappeared into the woods was found in Cherkasy region

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A 39-year-old man who disappeared in Cherkasy on February 7 after driving away in his car was found alive and well in the forest near the Irdyne River after a two-week long search involving police, foresters, the military and concerned citizens.

Police dog handlers, police officers, National Guard members, and concerned citizens were involved in the search for the missing man, who left in the morning of February 7 in a Renault and did not return home in a day. The search teams combed through bushes and swamps, examined kilometers of forest and finally found the missing citizen, UNN reports, citing the Cherkasy Oblast Police Department.

A 39-year-old man who went missing in Cherkasy on February 7 was found alive and well. He was searched for by police, foresters, military, National Guard and concerned citizens. 

- the statement reads.

According to law enforcement officials, a woman reported the disappearance of a local resident to the police on February 8, saying that in the morning her brother had left in a Renault Duster and did not return home for a day. Mobile communication with the man was also cut off.

The police  checked the video surveillance system "Safe Cherkasy Region" and found that the car was moving in the direction of the city of Smila. Later, law enforcement officers received information that near the village of Balakleya, forestry workers had found a Renault Duster in a forest, but there was no man in the car.

The search was carried out for two weeks: police officers, dog handlers, concerned citizens and the National Guard worked; they combed through bushes, swamp, and surveyed kilometers of forest; a quadcopter and thermal imager were used.   

On February 21, a search group found a man near the Irdyne River - he was exhausted, but there was no threat to his life or health, doctors said. 

It turned out that the man had lost his bearings in the woods and was unable to find his way to his car in unfamiliar terrain.

Tree branches and grass instead of food helped him survive.


On Christmas Eve, a tourist from Khmelnytsky region got lost in the Carpathian forest and almost froze to death. He was able to call the hotline of the Rescue Service, and the rescuers found the man.

Border guards in Odesa region stopped a car with two men in military uniformswho were trying to drive to Moldova and pay the driver $5,000-$6,000.

Блокада на кордоні з Польщею: у черзі на шістьох ПП близько 2,5 тис. вантажівок21.02.24, 09:31


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