
The UN General Assembly granted Palestine the status of an observer state

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The UN General Assembly passed a resolution in support of Palestinian statehood, granting Palestine the status of an observer state: 143 countries voted "for", 9 - "against" and 25 - "abstained", although this resolution does not guarantee immediate UN recognition of the Palestinian of the state

The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution in support of Palestinian statehood, granting the Palestinians observer state status. This was reported by The New York Times, according to UNN.


143 countries voted in favor of the resolution, only 9 were against, and 25 abstained from voting.

This resolution does not guarantee immediate UN recognition of a Palestinian state. The United States, using its veto power, can override such a decision. However, the resolution determines that the Palestinians have the right to UN membership and recommends that the Security Council reconsider this issue.

США наклали вето на заявку Палестини на повноправне членство в ООН19.04.24, 01:24


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