
Ukrainian troops record 79 combat engagements in the frontline, fighting continues in the Kupyansk and Pokrovsk sectors - General Staff

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Since the beginning of the day, the occupants have already carried out 79 attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, most of the fighting took place in the Pokrovske and Kupyanske directions, according to the evening report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the day , the occupiers have already carried out 79 attacks on the positions of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. This is stated in the evening report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports .


The largest number of combat engagements took place in the Pokrovsk sector today, almost the same number of combat engagements were registered in the Kupyansk sector

- the General Staff said. 

In the Kharkiv sector, the invaders tried to advance four times. They have been fiercely rebuffed. Fighting continues near the villages of Starytsia and Tykhove. The situation is under control. Enemy losses are being clarified

In the Kupyansk sector, the number of offensive and assault actions of the invaders increased to 20. Almost half of them are still ongoing.

Починаючи з кінця 2023 року найбільш активним напрямком, куди намагаються зайти ворожі ДРГ, залишається Сумщина - ДПСУ23.05.24, 13:14

In the Liman sector, six enemy attacks near Torske and Terny were repelled. The Russian invaders dropped two UAVs - twice enemy Su-34s attacked the Liman area. 

In the Kramatorsk sector, the total number of enemy attempts to improve the tactical situation increased to eight. The situation is under control. 

Nine firefights continue in the Pokrovsk sector, and another 13 enemy attacks have already been repelled. The enemy continues to conduct its actions in the direction of Kalynove and Novoselivka Persha with the support of aviation. Instead, Ukrainian soldiers are hunting the enemy in the air - today a Russian Su-25 attack aircraft was destroyed.

Сили оборони збили ще один ворожий штурмовик Су-2523.05.24, 19:34

In the Kurakhove sector 10 combat engagements took place today. Fighting continues in the area of Krasnohorivka.

In the Gulyaypol sector, the invaders launched an air strike in the area of Gulyaypol.

In the Prydniprovsky sector, the enemy tried unsuccessfully seven times today to force our soldiers from the left bank of the Dnipro River.

In other areas, the General Staff said,  there were no major changes.


GUR representative Andriy Yusov said that the Russians, who sent 50,000 troops to the northern border of Kharkiv region, did not even come close to achieving their goals.

Британська розвідка пояснила, які наслідки для України матиме ліквідація російського корвета "Циклон" 23.05.24, 16:20


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