
Ukraine calls on FATF to blacklist Russia over deal with North Korea

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Russia's deepening ties with sanctioned states such as North Korea and Iran, including military cooperation and circumvention of financial sanctions, prompted Ukraine to ask the FATF to blacklist Russia at its June 23 plenary meeting.

Ukraine calls on the group for the development of financial measures to combat money laundering (FATF) to blacklist Russia at a plenary session on June 23 because of the signed agreement on a "comprehensive" partnership between the Russian Federation and the DPRK.  this is stated in the statement of the press service of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, reports UNN

As Russia formalizes its "comprehensive" partnership with North Korea, the Ministry of Finance and the state financial monitoring service of Ukraine are calling on the Anti-Money Laundering Financial Action Group (FATF) to take appropriate action to protect the security of the global financial system and blacklist Russia at the next plenary session, which begins on June 23

- the Ministry of Finance said in a statement.

The ministry points out that due to failures on the battlefield, Russia is becoming more aggressive, in particular, deepening economic and military ties with North Korea. 

The Russian army continues to use ballistic missiles and ammunition purchased from North Korea in exchange for oil - contrary to UN sanctions and FATF principles. 

Північна Корея і росія домовилися про взаємну оборону20.06.24, 15:08

Russia has also stepped up cooperation with Iran, a state that is under global sanctions and is blacklisted by the FATF. the Kremlin has provided Tehran with a back door to access the international financial system, combining payment systems to circumvent SWIFT sanctions and opening a branch of the state-owned VTB Bank in Iran. Russia also relies heavily on Iranian drones to support its illegal invasion.

Russia has continued to use cyberattacks to attack critical infrastructure and the private sector of FATF member countries, stepping up its efforts last year.

The Ministry of Finance recalled that in February 2023, the FATF took an unprecedented step by suspending Russia's membership. A year later, the FATF issued an additional statement in which it "expressed serious concern about the country's growing financial ties with blacklisted States, as well as malicious cyber activity originating from Russia.

Despite these warnings, Russia has not changed its behavior. Moreover, the number and severity of violations has increased, creating additional threats to the global financial system and security, the Ministry of Finance added. 

Посла росії викликали в МЗС Південної Кореї через договір про партнерство москви і Пхеньяна21.06.24, 10:06


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