
Trump arrives in Milwaukee for the Republican Party convention

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Trump arrived in Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention, where he will be formally nominated as the presidential candidate, having survived an assassination attempt that has heightened political tensions.

Donald Trump arrived on Sunday in Milwaukee, where he will be officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate this week. On Saturday, Trump survived an assassination attempt that exacerbated the already fierce political divide in the United States. This was reported by AR, UNN.


According to most opinion polls, including the Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump and Biden are running nearly tied. The shooting on Saturday dramatically changed the campaign debate, which had been centered on whether the 81-year-old Biden should drop out of the race after his lackluster performance in the June 27 debate.

Trump is set to receive his party's official nomination at the Republican National Convention, which begins in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Monday. The FBI currently has no information about any threat to the convention or any of its participants, while the Secret Service said it does not anticipate any changes in the security plan.

"I was going to postpone my trip to Wisconsin for the Republican National Convention for two days, but I just decided I can't let a 'shooter' or potential assassin make changes to my schedule or anything else," Trump wrote on Sunday.

The convention will feature speeches by Republican Party stars. In addition, Trump is expected to announce the name of his vice presidential candidate. The party's position on such issues as abortion, immigration and the economy will also be discussed by delegates and guests of this important Republican forum.

ФБР розкрило деталі замаху на Трампа15.07.24, 01:17


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