
"There will be no peace negotiations there" - Scholz on the Swiss Peace Summit in Ukraine

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his expectations regarding the conference on peace in Ukraine, which will be held in Switzerland in mid-June, writes UNN with reference to tagesschau.

There will be no peace negotiations there. We are still a long way from that as long as Russia believes it can achieve its goals on the battlefield

Scholz said in the Bundestag.

According to him, we are talking about attracting countries around the world to let Moscow understand that international law and the UN Charter apply. Russia must withdraw its troops from Ukraine. We need to strengthen the Bundeswehr and help Ukraine. But there is "nothing naive or shameful" when citizens are concerned about peace.

Switzerland will host the Peace Summit in Ukraine on June 15-16: the invitees and the purpose of the conference5/2/24, 1:24 PM


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