
There is no decision yet, but we declare our readiness: Duda on deployment of nuclear weapons in Poland

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President Andrzej Duda announced Poland's readiness to deploy nuclear weapons in the country, citing russian aggression and the need for NATO to adapt its security measures, although no decision has been made on Poland's accession to the nuclear exchange program.

There is no decision on Poland's accession to the Nuclear Sharing program yet, but President Andrzej Duda has declared his country's readiness to deploy nuclear weapons. This was reported by the Polish edition TVP, according to UNN.

There are no decisions yet (on joining Nuclear Sharing - ed), but we declare our readiness. The current deployment of nuclear weapons in Europe reflects the lines of contact between the defunct Warsaw Pact and NATO countries in the early 1950s, and meanwhile the changes we are facing, especially since the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine, are so advanced that the Alliance needs to adapt. I have no doubt that the security of the countries where nuclear weapons are deployed today is much higher

- Duda said

According to him, today russia is the biggest threat not only to Poland but to the whole of Europe.

We have long warned about the serious risks associated with the activities of the russian Federation. If the threat was not real, we would not spend 4% of GDP on defense. We see that russia, waging an offensive war against Ukraine, has switched to a war economy, is conducting provocative actions against NATO countries and violating further agreements. It is russia that is arming the Königsberg area, and it is russia that is moving nuclear weapons to the territory of belarus. I think it is clear who is pursuing the policy of escalation here

- Duda added.


Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson emphasized that the deployment of American nuclear weapons on Swedish territory during a war is highly likely.

Польща заявила про ризики нових диверсій та саботажу в Європі з боку РФ15.05.24, 06:47


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