
"The whole of Europe will be under threat": Biden called on the world not to allow Ukraine's defeat in the war against Russia

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US President Joe Biden said that the world should support Ukraine in the war against Russia, because if Ukraine falls, neighboring countries and the whole of Europe will be under the threat of Russian aggression.

The world should support Kiev in the war against the Russian Federation, because if Ukraine does not hold on, then Russia will not stop - all neighboring countries will be under threat.This was stated by US President Joe Biden during a ceremony in France dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, writes UNN with reference to Voice of America.


The White House leader stressed that the Ukrainians are fighting with exceptional courage - they note huge losses on the battlefield, but they never retreat.

The United States, NATO and a coalition of more than 50 countries support Ukraine. We will not back down, because if we do this, Ukraine will be conquered and everything will not end there. Ukraine's neighbors will be under threat, the whole of Europe will be under threat 

Joe Biden said.

According to him, the world's autocrats are closely monitoring whether the world will put this illegal aggression on the brakes.

"Ми не підемо": Байден провів паралелі між "Днем Д" і Україною06.06.24, 15:37

Pass  we can allow this, give in to the aggressor, bow down to dictators-this is simply unthinkable

- the US president emphasized. 


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in France and joined the ceremony on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy.


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