
The US will review relations with Georgia after the law on foreign agents comes into force

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The US threatens to fundamentally revise bilateral relations with Georgia if the controversial law on foreign agents goes into effect despite protests and a presidential veto.

White House press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre said during a briefing that Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili should veto the law on foreign agents. If the law does come into force, the United States will be forced to fundamentally revise bilateral relations with Georgia, the press secretary said, UNN reports .


We expect the president to visit it. We will see what the Georgian parliament will do. If the draft law passes, it will force us to fundamentally reconsider our relations with Georgia

Jean-Pierre noted.

Addendum Addendum

Today, on May 14, the Georgian parliament passed amendments to the law on foreign agents in the third reading by a majority vote at a plenary session. Prior to this, mass protests took place throughout Georgia. Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili promised to veto the law. However, the president's veto can be overridden: it requires a majority vote in parliament.

Since the end of April, when the amendments were reintroduced to the parliament, mass protests have been held across Georgia. On May 11, 50,000 people marched against the amendments to the law on foreign agents in Georgia. Representatives of the European Commission said that the law on foreign agents would be an obstacle for Georgia on its way to the European Union.

У Тбілісі біля будівлі парламенту почались затримання. МВС Грузії заявляє, що акція нібито "набула насильницького характеру"14.05.24, 16:58


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