
The US has warned that Israel must be fully "transparent" about the deaths of 35 people in a Gaza school after an IDF air strike

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Following an airstrike on an UNRWA school in Gaza that killed up to 45 civilians, including 14 children, the United States called on Israel for full transparency. Washington called on Israel to name the dead Hamas militants.

The United States has called on Israel to publicly name the Hamas militants who Israel claims were killed after an air strike on an UNRWA school in the central Gaza Strip. This is reported by UNN with reference to Sun and AP.


US urges Israel to be transparent about Gaza school strike:

the United States said Israel should be fully "transparent" about the airstrike that reportedly killed at least 35 people at the UNRWA school (an organization that helps Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip) in Gaza.


The Israeli army claims that an airstrike on an UNRWA school in the central Gaza Strip killed " many Hamas members." But according to the UN, between 35 and 45 civilians were killed in the attack. An army official said he didn't know anything about it.

A reporter for the AP news agency is in the hospital where the victims were taken. He saw at least 30 bodies, including 14 children.

According to the Israeli army, there were between 20 and 30 terrorists at the school, "many of whom" were reportedly killed. They are said to have been members of Hamas who participated in the October 7 attack and were in the school building with the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization, planning a new attack on Israeli troops.


The United States has called on Israel to publicly name the Hamas militants they say it killed.

Washington said the United States had seen reports that 14 children were killed in the strike.

"If it is true that 14 children were killed, then these are not terrorists," said US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller.

And so the Israeli government has said it is going to release more information about the strike... We expect them to be fully transparent in publishing this information

he added.

The Israeli military launched ground operations against Hamas in the refugee city of Burej and east of the city of Deir al-Balah in the Gaza Strip to eliminate terrorist infrastructure.

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