
The threat from Russia and China: The United States wants to speed up nuclear weapons modernization

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The United States wants to accelerate the modernization of its nuclear triad in order to effectively deter threats from Russia and China, whose nuclear arsenals and space capabilities are growing.

The Pentagon has called on lawmakers to speed up the modernization of the nuclear triad in order to more effectively deter strategic and space threats from China and Russia. This was reported by the Pentagon press service, according to UNN.


According to U.S. Strategic Commander Anthony Cotton, the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review identified the modernization of the U.S. nuclear arsenal as a priority to maintain a strong nuclear deterrent.

The modernization efforts will be carried out over the next 20 years and will include initiatives to modernize all three links of the nuclear triad.

Senior military officials told lawmakers that the United States remains prepared to deter strategic and space threats, but continued investment is critical amid growing competition.

Cotton, as well as U.S. Space Command Commander Steven Whiting, said that recent investments by Russia and China underscore the need to maintain the United States' strategic advantage.

"We are confronting not one, but two nuclear partners: the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. This reality, coupled with North Korea's missile development, Iran's nuclear ambitions, and the growing relationship between these countries, adds new levels of complexity to our strategic calculus

- Cotton said

He also noted the rapid pace at which China is developing fixed intercontinental ballistic missile launchers and predicted that China's nuclear arsenal could reach nearly 1,000 warheads by 2030.

The Pentagon said that as of January, China's fleet of reconnaissance satellites had grown to more than 359 systems, more than tripling its presence in space to gather intelligence since 2018. russia also continues to develop and test its space and anti-satellite arsenal.

Cotton emphasized recent statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin that 95% of Russia's strategic nuclear forces have been modernized: "In short, our competitors are improving their position against the United States and its allies in many areas at a pace that far exceeds the pace we saw just a few years ago.


The Russian dictator accused the United States of "planting" information about the alleged deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in space, saying that Washington wants to drag Moscow into negotiations on its own terms.


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