
The second anniversary of the full-scale war: Foreign leaders are expected to arrive in Ukraine on February 24

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Foreign leaders are expected to visit Ukraine on February 24 to mark the second anniversary of the Russian invasion, and a conference will be held on February 25, with the president and leadership of Ukraine in attendance.

On Saturday, February 24, foreign leaders are expected to arrive in Ukraine to mark the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This was announced during a telethon by presidential spokesman Serhiy Nikiforov, UNN reports.

"As for Ukraine, on this date, February 24, we will have a lot of what our diplomats call the 'international component,' which means visits by foreign leaders, our great friends, our reliable partners. For obvious reasons, I can't say who exactly it will be, but we expect that these will not just be symbolic support visits, but that these visits will have practical results," Nikiforov said.

He added that "we have to wait a couple more days and everything will become clear.

Nikiforov reminded that on February 24, the Group of Seven will also hold an online meeting with Ukraine, and "this is also a very strong sign of support.

G7 збирає відеоконференцію лідерів 24 лютого до роковин вторгнення рф. Очікують долучення Зеленського20.02.24, 17:20


On Sunday, February 25, , a conferencewill be held, which will be attended by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the military and political leadership, the Prime Minister, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, representatives of ministries and law enforcement agencies.


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