
The Russian Federation says it will not participate in the second “peace summit” proposed by Zelensky

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Representatives of the Russian Federation will not go to any "peace summit", which is a continuation of the June meeting in Switzerland, even if they are invited. This was stated by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, UNN reports.

Earlier, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy had suggested inviting Russian representatives to such a summit, possibly before the end of this year.

"Representatives of Russia have not participated in any meetings within the framework of the "Burgenstock process" and are not going to participate.

This process itself has nothing to do with the settlement... We will not participate in such summits," Zakharova said in a statement to the media.

At the same time, Zakharova noted that the Russian Federation does not abandon "the political and diplomatic settlement of the crisis, and is ready to discuss really serious proposals that take into account the situation on the ground, geopolitical realities and the relevant initiative formulated by President Putin on June 14.

"It is impossible to achieve a fair and sustainable settlement without Russia and taking into account its interests," Zakharova summarized.


According to the BBC, Russian diplomats refer to the illegal annexations of Ukrainian territories as the "situation on the ground" and "geopolitical realities." On June 14, Putin named the preconditions for the start of negotiations: the withdrawal of all Ukrainian troops from the parts of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions that Russia does not control, and the refusal to join NATO.


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