
The Prime Minister spoke about the pace of restoration of houses and infrastructure destroyed by the war

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Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that 23,000 multi-storey and private buildings that were destroyed by enemy shelling have been restored.

Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that 23,000 multi-storey and private buildings that were destroyed by enemy attacks have been restored in Ukraine.

He said this at the forum "Ukraine. The Year 2024", the correspondent of UNN reports.

It was important for us to start restoring the destroyed now, without waiting for the war to end. We have already restored 23,000 multi-storey buildings and private houses, nearly 900 medical and over 600 educational institutions, and 9,200 critical infrastructure facilities

- Shmyhal said

Зеленський порівняв зруйновані українські міста з Хіросімою після ядерного удару21.05.23, 14:07 • [views_703800]


As of December 31, 2023, the total cost of recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine is estimated to be 486 billion USD over the next decade. This figure is higher than the needs estimated at USD 411 billion a year ago.

In January 2023, representatives of the Ukrainian government, the European Union, the G7 countries, and international financial institutions launched the Donor Coordination Platform, which was called the "financial Ramstein.

One of the areas of this platform's work is to coordinate Ukraine's rapid recovery in the areas of energy, housing, and infrastructure.

The first meeting of donor countries in 2024 took place on February 14.  

Шмигаль заявив, що безпекові угоди з гарантіями для України підпишуть усі країни G725.02.24, 13:59


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