
The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food is developing a register of industrial hemp producers and a mechanism for sampling for drugs

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The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food is developing a register of industrial hemp producers and sampling mechanisms to regulate hemp cultivation under the new law.

Regulatory documents are being developed in Ukraine to regulate the circulation of hemp for medical, industrial, scientific and scientific-technical purposes, in accordance with the relevant law. This was announced by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky, UNN reports.


While the law is still pending the president's signature, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy has already begun work on creating a register of industrial hemp producers and a draft government resolution on the regulations for sampling for drug analysis.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy clarifies that it will create an electronic registry, which will contain information about industrial hemp producers.

It will be clear who grows what, how much, and what seeds they use. There will be no need to obtain licenses, quotas or separate permits for cultivation. A government decree on the Regulations for sampling hemp during the flowering period is also being prepared

- said First Deputy Minister Taras Vysotsky.

He also emphasized that the law on the circulation of industrial hemp is an impetus for realizing the huge potential of growing this plant in Ukraine. The document changes approaches to controlling the cultivation of industrial hemp.


Draft Law No. 7457 "On Regulation of the Turnover of Cannabis Plants for Medical, Industrial, Scientific and Technical Purposes" was adopted in December 2023. The document regulates the handling of narcotic drugs in order to create conditions for expanding patients' access to the necessary treatment and conducting scientific research on the effectiveness of cannabis.

Cannabis-based medicines are authorized in 56 countries, including the EU, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Однозначно віхова подія, хоча і зі своїми мінусами: експерт про легалізацію медичного канабісу21.12.23, 16:32


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