
The government will review the calculation of electricity limits - expert

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The government is expected to review the formula for calculating electricity limits, taking into account the ratio between critical infrastructure facilities and domestic consumers in each region, in order to establish fairer schedules for electricity restrictions in the regions in the coming weeks.

The government plans to change the methodology for calculating electricity limits, taking into account the ratio between critical infrastructure and residential buildings, in order to establish fairer schedules for electricity restrictions. This was stated on the air of Kiev 24 by energy expert, chairman of the Council of the Ukrainian renewable energy association Stanislav Ignatiev, writes UNN.


"Finally, yesterday the government heard us and changed the so-called formula for calculating limits. First of all, the limits were determined by the number of metering devices for household consumers. Such cities as Kiev, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia, Dnipro have the largest number of critical infrastructure and large businesses," Ignatiev said.

"We proved to the government, as experts, that it is necessary to make a ratio between the number of critical infrastructure facilities and the number of household consumers, and through this ratio to bring the limits to the region... The government is currently reviewing this methodology. And in the coming weeks, this method will be adopted. And let's hope that all regions will have more or less the same end-user restriction schedules," the expert said.

Уражених об'єктів енергетики внаслідок нічної атаки рф немає - Міненерго07.06.24, 08:43


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